Chrome Remote Desktop on Linux
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LATEST UPDATE: 1/31/2017, 10:10:22 AM

Linux (Lubuntu/LXDE)

Step 1: Download and set up Chrome Remote Desktop

Download the Chrome Remote Desktop app.

Step 2: Install the Debian package for the host components

Download the 64-bit Debian Package here.

Step 3: Create a virtual desktop session

If you have Ubuntu 12.04, skip to Step 4.

  1. Look in /usr/share/xsessions/ for the .desktop file for your preferred desktop environment.
    • For example, Cinnamon has a file named "cinnamon.desktop" with the following command: gnome-session --session=cinnamon
  2. Create a file called .chrome-remote-desktop-session in your home directory with the following content:
    • exec /usr/sbin/lightdm-session "[your_exec_command]" - Lubuntu try: exec /usr/sbin/lightdm-session "/usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE"
  3. Replace  with the command at the end of your .desktop file:
    • In the example for Cinnamon, the correct command is exec /usr/sbin/lightdm-session 'gnome-session --session=cinnamon'
  4. Save the file called ".chrome-remote-desktop-session"%u200B.

Step 4: Allow remote connections

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. In the address bar at the top, type chrome://apps, and press Enter.
  3. Click Chrome Remote Desktop.
  4. Under "My Computers," click Get started.
  5. Click Enable remote connections.
  6. Enter a PIN and re-type the PIN. Then click OK.
  7. Dismiss the confirmation dialog.



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