
This message is being circulated to inform those possibly not aware of an upcoming development, North of the North Hills Neighborhood.

The area currently bordering North Hills, Martin Luther King Dr. and the Northeast trail system, Lazy Cow trailhead and Roundhouse trailhead, is planned to be developed as a future Police Academy and Fire Department Training Facility.

We are concerned about the location of this development in close proximity to the North Hills residential area and the natural recreation spaces.

If you feel like speaking up in favor of examination of options to re-location of the facility, please consider sending the pre-written email to El Paso mayor, city council representatives and other selected recipients to voice your opinion. Of course, feel free to edit the draft email, it is meant to provide an easy messaging option, as well as to inspire an individual response with customized arguments.

If you would like more information you are welcome to email the following: Alan Parsons alan.parsons@att.net and/or Marilyn Guida mrg52muse@elp.rr.com

Thank you for your time and effort,