ANAGRAM SOLVER | Find valid words for matching letter combinations. | |
BACKTRACK | Mark locations and use Google Maps to find your way back. | |
BASE64 HELPER | Converts images to base64-text | |
BANNER-MAKER | Create banners from images, shapes, and text | |
BUDGET FIDDLE | Personal Budget Manager. Enter account balance, projected spending and see what's left without crashing the wallet. | |
CHROME(BOOK) APP/SHORTCUT GENERATOR | Generates shortcuts to websites, for Chrome and Chromebook Apps menu, OS application menu, and desktop shortcuts. | |
COLOR CONVERTER | Converts between Hexadecimal and Decimal HTML color-values, including gradient option. | |
CUSTOM CALENDAR | Custom Calendar with (custom) holidays - save page, edit source code, take screenshot use as desk background or something. | |
EDITOR / CMA | CK-Editor / EditArea as toolset Contains 'CMA' Content Widget Generator, based on DROPSITE Content Management Approach | |
EPUN | Easy Progress Update Notifier - Project tracker and client notifier | |
ESCAPE | JS-Escape Text | |
FILE AGGREGATOR | Converts and gathers base64-encoded files in templates. | |
FLASHPAD MICRON | Note-Taking with text and buttons | |
FREEDRAW | Record and re-play brush strokes | |
FREEDRAW PLAY SAMPLE | Freedraw play sample | |
FREEDRAW PLAY ALL | Freedraw play all | |
HIT LIST | Create To-Do Lists | |
IMAGE ANNOTATOR | Image annotator with arrows, frame-boxes and text-boxes, use webshot utitlity to save | |
I/O-DOC | HTML-Editor (CK-EDITOR) with Export/Import/Mail Function | |
JUMP MAIL | Compose short repetitive e-mails with clicks. | |
LINUX LAUNCHER | Desktop/Menu launcher generator for LINUX (LXDE and others) | |
LIST HANDLER | Universal text-list processor and code generator, finding, removing duplicates, inserting items into repeating templates and more | |
NANOWIKI | Smallest, most simple, most compact, independent wiki and documentation builder | |
NANOWIKI - TOOL EDITION | Tolerates linebreaks and white-spaces, for JS legibility | |
NANOPRESENTER | Smallest, most simple, most compact, independent presentation builder. Based on NanoWiki. | |
PASSWORD GENERATOR | Build and temporarily(!) store strong, abbreviation-based passwords (Device/Browser-bound!) | |
PDF-PREPPER | Prepare web-form-fillable PDF forms by positioning the form fields on a form image, preparing a downloadable PDF document | |
PHOTO MANAGER | Simple, flexible photo browser, fastest possible solution | |
POCKET RATIO | Proportional resizing calculator | |
PRISONER'S DELIGHT | A countdown, displaying absolute time units and differential time until a given date | |
OMNI-CALC | Track values and operation sequences | |
PUNCH PAD | Clickable notes, great for shopping lists | |
QUARK-PAD | Smallest, simplest, practical note-taking page possible. | |
QUIRK-NOTE | Take notes quickly with aided form fields and text buttons | |
QUICK-STICH | Arrange images and take webshot to tile images (requires web screen-shot extension; download page and copy to image directory before use) | |
REFINANCE CALCULATOR | Estimates refiance efficiency of credit cards. | |
REMINDER | Quickly create Google Calendar reminder template. | |
RESTING METABOLIC RATE | Calculate your resting metabolic rate. Then go to the gym and make up for known violations. | |
SELF-NOTE | Send note to yourself by e-mail. | |
SHOPSTER | Compare items prices by volume or number ratios. Optimized for smart-phone one-hand operation. | |
SITECORE PAIN-RELIEF | Toolbox for easier link handling in the SiteCore content management system. | |
SMS BY E-MAIL | Send cellphone text-messages using a local e-mail client | |
SNIPSTER | Copy recurring items. | |
STAT SHEET | Allows to enter values and stores them locally (browser) | |
TEXT-EDDIE | Splits text at markers for easier editing, e.g. for generated source-code. | |
TEXT-FIX | Performs small text modificatons beyond abilities of common text-editors | |
TIMER | Set time-out or interval | |
TOUCH TYPING TUTOR | Simple typing tool, error counter, Words-Per-Minute clock | |
UNIT CONVERTER | Quick Common Unit Conversion Tool | |
VOICE TO TEXT HELPER | display spoken text in large letters | |
WIKI | Stand-alone HTML-based WIKI system, based on CMA Scalable multimedia documentation system | |
-ALL- | All floating tools for offline usage |
BASE64 | Generates base64-images, PDFs and ZIP-files, posted 'inline' (ASCII-text based) as part of the web-page. | |
CROSSWORK | Realtime collaboration tool | |
CONTENT TIMER SCRIPT | Generates content timing scripts in PHP, alternative JS script included. | |
DIR | A collection of scripts for directory tools, including remote resource scanning, renaming, and listing | |
E-NAIL | Account-based, web-form submission receiver (E-Mail Relay). Protects e-mail accounts, serves as registration /communication portal. Allows easier clean-up, organizing, and processing than basic e-mail submissions. | |
PAGE WATCH | Monitors webpage(s) for posting changes | |
POSTER-CHILD | Account-based, low-level content-editor / content-broadcast system. Applications: Agendas, newsletters, bulletins, splash messages, generic content | |
READER | Read webpage text or entered text out loud, e.g. for dictation or comparison. | |
RESOURCE SCANNER | Scan pages for linked resources. | |
SELFTRACK | Post periodically updating current location. Notify others to allow locating and tracking. | |
SIGN-UP | INCOMPLETE, but working for open and closed sign-up lists. Create sign-up lists for participants with individual entries. | |
SLOGGER | Small log utility, improving group communication and task tracking | |
SMP | Social Media Platform, draft system for generic social media purposes, development stage | |
SMALLTALK | Account-free, chat room and semi-persistent messageboard | |
TICKETEER - FILE TICKET | Ticketing system with improved client notification | |
TICKETEER - BROWSER | Ticketing system with improved client notification |